Thursday, April 27, 2006

First Hummingbird of the Season

Hummingbird garden mosaic stepping stone - 1 of series of 4I have a long list of projects I am trying to complete this week, so I promised my husband I would not post today... But then I spotted my first hummingbird of the season, darting around my garden, while I watched from the kitchen window, my hands submerged in hot water and dirty dishes which I am catching up from last night.

Hummingbird garden mosaic stepping stone - 2 of series of 4It paused at a number of shrubs and plants, but did not find any flowers - it is still early yet for many of their favourites. I hope to post on some of the hummingbird favourite flowers from my garden at a later date, such as the shaggy red monarda (bee balm). In the meantime here is a link to a list of flowers and flowering shrubs which are attractive to hummingbirds in the Pacific Northwest.

Hummingbird garden mosaic stepping stone - 3 of series of 4The photos are of the mosaic stepping stones I bought for my garden, only $6.95 at the Canadian Superstore warehouse. I plan to treat them with tile and grout sealer before placing them in the garden. I don't know how they'll hold up to the weather. They seem to be made from concrete (or perhaps a concrete and resin mix), painted, and grouted. The sticker reads "Made in China". They sure wouldn't be $6.95 if made in Canada!

Hummingbird garden mosaic stepping stone - 4 of series of 4I would have liked to pick up more stepping stones to give to each of my gardening friends (really!!), but they were so heavy I had a hard time making it to the car with the 4 of them. We'll see if I get back to that store. I don't visit there often, because of the poor or nonexistent service. To save money, I prefer to buy the specials at stores where I am treated with respect.

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