Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Still Gardening, Mixed with Pottery

I may not be blogging much about my garden lately, especially since I started my pottery blog, but I am still gardening (except now while there is snow on the ground).  And adding pottery to my garden.  And using plants from my garden as inspiration and impressions in my pottery.

I have two ceramic totems in my garden, and quite a number of pieces waiting for me to create another totem this summer.  These two serve dual purpose of decorating the garden, and protecting my dear Davidii involucrata (dove tree) when I drag the hose around the garden :

This little face planter rests in a shady spot in my garden :

This lantern was originally planned for the garden, but after so many hours creating it, and a number of people warning me not to take a chance leaving it out in my garden, I still have it inside the kitchen.  But I am still considering finding it a place in the garden one day.  At least for a party.

I have made a number of ceramic vessels and plates decorated with leaf imprints.  I love the textures.  This one is decorated in maple leaves :

This soda fired jug was also decorated in maple leaves.

These oakleaf hydrangea leaves were not from my garden, but made a beautiful platter.

This piece was decorated with leaves from my garden, and eventually will go back out into the garden, as part of a future totem :

I made two large ceramic masks - "tree men" - who adorn the inside of the post on my back deck.  I wish I had photos to share, but am too lazy to download/email them from my phone to my computer.  But here is one of the masks.

I still love gardening.  And I am very much enjoying pottery.  And where both pottery and gardening collide, it is about as close to heaven as I'll enjoy in this life.