Monday, March 03, 2014

The Furry News Coverage Continues

There were a few other papers which had photos of the VancouFur furry convention, but Ande didn't appear in them.  But we were both featured (talking!) on the CTV news last night.  I don't know if this is a permanent link, but here is the video.  I was nervous that people from work may see me on TV (although if they did, nobody has admitted it yet), but here I am, posting it on my blog.  Pretty safe, since my friends and family mostly don't read my blog!  Ha.

When I have a chance, I would love to assemble a few photos from the construction of the fursuit, and post them.  Would anyone be interested?  Or am I just posting for myself?  (Oops, did I actually type that?)

Oh yes, I finally did remember to get a photo of Ande and me together, on the last day of the convention:

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Ande is Famous Already!

There was a photographer from the Vancouver Sun at the furry convention today, so "Ande" was in one of the photos in the online newspaper by this evening.  Pretty cool.

Here's the whole "page":

I got lots of photos today, but as I downloaded them this evening, I realized that the one photo I don't have yet is a photo of me with Ande.  So I'll need to remember to get at least one tomorrow.